A Little Personal

So this post is going to be more personal than typical, but I thought I would share with you what is going on with me.  As some of you know if you read my blog I have a problem with low Vitamin D levels.  At my yearly visit my dr put me on 50,000 iu a week and then had it rechecked after 12 weeks.  After the 12 weeks, the levels were better but still low, so dr put me on 5,000 iu daily and told me to take calcium with it and we would recheck it in 12 weeks and my A1C levels (sugar) runs slightly high 5.5, 5.7 being considered pre-diabetic.  So at the 12 week retest, Vit D still low so we are upping my intake to 10,000 iu daily.  My A1C levels were at 5.6, so time to change my diet and exercise to see if I can lower my levels and to see if that is why my levels are high and hopefully just not genetic.  I had gestational diabetes with my first son and I have a family history.  My Dad was a diabetic and a sister.   So my first step was to give up Coca Cola, I’m a HUGE soda drinker, or was..  May 7th was my last soda and I have the ultimate reason to quit, my health.  So exercise and diet is next…  I’ll keep ya posted on my progress : )

Now, you all know that my Mom passed away almost 3 years ago and Mother’s Day is so very hard for me.  I think it is because everyone is talking about their Mom’s and I don’t have mine.  On top of that, my son is getting married in July and it absolutely breaks my heart that my Mom will not be there to share that with us.  My son says he feels his grandma knew that he and his g/f would end up together, and that makes him happy.  But it still hurts… It is nice though that some of my family will be sharing in the celebration with me.  So I am going to share a special pic with you, it is a pic of me and my Mom on my wedding day, August 1985.  I had just turned 20 years old the month before… oh and look how short my hair is and it is the natural color, dirty blonde…




  1. Getting married at age 20, no doubt you heard – – – You proved “them” all wrong, in that it’s still going strong! Proud of ya!! How young was Rob, on your big day? I lost my Mom, a month shy of Mothers Day, 15 years ago. Doesn’t get any easier. Gary

  2. Gary, I turned 20 that July, married in August and Rob turned 23 that September.. And here we are almost 29 years later.. I thought for sure I would have my mom for many more years, but it wasn’t meant to be and it is so tough… Hugs to you…

  3. Been 2 weeks now. How’s your vitamin D level? :-/ Gary

  4. Oh I don’t know, I don’t have it checked for three months.. taking my vitamins :)

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