Well a couple weeks ago I decided it was time for a change in the bedroom and by that I mean the decor, LOL. It had been the same since we moved into this house in Oct 2011. The headboard had been the same for years before that even. So it started by me finding a new material/pattern to recover the headboard. Then I decided I did not like the color of the room with the new headboard. And of course then the old nightstands and dresser did not look right and the curtain would no longer match either, LOL. And if you have ever been to phx or live here, you know most master baths open right up to the bedroom, so that meant painting that as well, LOL So, on simple change lead to a huge project, but we LOVE IT!!! Here are pics of our bedroom now…
The picture frame and your headboard, little to “loud” for my taste :-( But I do love the curtains/drapes and the “LOVE” on the wall :-)