Just had a check up with my Oncologist this morning.  My CT Scan I had done to check to see if anything has changed, came back great.  My Labs I had done yesterday are great too.  My IgG levels are a little low, but nothing to be concerned about.  Will run in to have it tested again before my next trip to Chicago in May.  My Vit D level is low, but that is an ongoing issue, LOL.  My Doc says overall everything looks great and I don’t need to come in to see her for 3 months, woohoo.  So this is something to be celebrated!!!  I’m super excited.  

Thank you all for your continues support and encouragement.

Much Love ~ Dawn Marie 

Wow it is February!!

Where did the time go??  I am so sorry for the delay in posting.  I went to Chicago for a week to celebrate my grandson’s bday.  While I was there, I re-twecked my knee.  I have been hobbling around for a week and finally after icing it for a few days it is feeling much better today.  

Today I went for my labs to make sure everything is in check and my veins decided they were going to be problem children.  It took three different people and 7 different attempts to finally get a good vein.  I’m guessing I might have a few bruises tomorrow.  Tomorrow I go back for my check up.  I have a feeling I might be getting another IgG infusion as I still have this stupid cough.  BUT I feel great!!

This weekend the Olympics start and I LOVE to watch them..  Saturday we are going to the Sun’s game with friends, looking forward to that.. and Sunday chillin’.  What is on your agenda??


The New Year has brought me a gift…

It has given me Pink Eye!!!  I don’t be I have ever had it before and both of my eyes are all bloodshot!!  It is not an attractive look, LOL..   I did go to the dr and got an antibiotic eye drop and I am using it.  I can NOT have this when I go to Chicago next week.  

I have a HOT update planned for February for our Web’iversary !!  It is something that I have NOT done in years, and NO it is not anal, LOL.    Was also thinking I might post a set from each year I have been on the web.. what do you think?  Is there a set you would like to see again??

Hugs and Kisses, 

Dawn Marie

Latest Craft Project!

Decided I needed a new wreath for my front door, so I mad a new one.  This is my first attempt at making this kind and I LOVE it!!!









I promise to “try” to be better in 2018!

WOW it was crazy just typing 2018, LOL.  I know I have been a slacker on my Blog Post and OnlyFans.  I am going to try and do my best to post to both of them more often.  And by all means, call me on it!!

I hope you all have had wonderful holidays and were able to spend time with those that you love.  We were here in Phx with our younger son and our friend Robert.  

Lastly, you know what is coming up in 2018???  My 20th year on the web, it is unreal sometimes when I think about it that I am still doing this…  What shall we do to celebrate???

Until next time…


Missing Snow Globe

I have mentioned before that I collect snow globes.  Every year I get a new one and sometimes I get them from friend from places they have been or live.  Back when I started collecting them, my mom gave me two that she had.  One was very special…  Our tradion on Christmas eve was all of us kids and my mom watching the movie White Christmas.  We would have snacks an alls sit around and watch the movie before the younger kids (myself) had to go to bed.  It is actually a tradition I started with my boys, except we watched Miracle on 34the Street.

Anyway, My mom gave me a snow globe of White Christmas.  Over the years it had started to leak and without thinking that perhaps it could be fixed, I threw it away.  I have recently discovered a couple of them on ebay..  Gift idea for someone?

This is what November looks like in AZ

Ugh!!  I am so over this weather!!  We should have chilly weather and sitting around the fire pit..  Not with this damn weather!!!

What are you all doing for Thanksgiving?  Going to families or people coming to you??  We are having a few friends over for dinner.  There will be 6, maybe 7 of us.

My fall!

So I mentioned on twitter recently having a problem with my knee… Here is what happened, LOL.  Three weeks ago we were headed to TN to celebrate an 80th Birthday.  When we go to the airport, I was teasing my son because he was not TSA approved and would have to go through the regular line.   So while talking shit, I turned my ankle and went straight down to the floor.  There I was completely face down in the TSA line, LOL.  Thankfully it was not crowded and no one else was there to laugh at me and my son crawled under the lines to help his mom.

Originally I thought I only hurt my ankle, which is fine now, but I also hurt my knee/leg.  So I went this week for an MRI and then off to see an Orthopedist.  He thinks I have strained my hamstring.  So this week I start Physical Therapy and I will be going twice a week for 6 weeks and then we will see how things are after that is done.  

So there you have it, me being lippy caused my fall, LOL.

Hope you all have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

Final Auction for the Over 40 Magazine!

This is the FINAL AUCTION and it is for the OVER 40 Magazine,  October 2003 issue.  There are 6 pages of pics and interview (pics taken for this magazine, never posted as an update on my site.) and the interview is truly me, LOL.  BTW.. This is my favorite, I LOVE the pics and I’m on the cover!!  I will personal sign the Magazine for you if you would like..   Shipping is free within the US and will go first class mail.  If outside the US, you must pay the shipping.

Email me your bid and I will post it in the blog.. You can bid as often as you like and this Auction will end Thursday, Oct 19th at 2 PM…  

Starting Bid is $30.

Happy Bidding!!!

Auction #3 Deck of Playing Cards

This Auction is for a Deck of Playing Cards.  This deck of cards was printed by a site at the time that was called Breast King.  Every card has a new girl, some show the girls face, some are just breast.  I am on the 4 of Clubs, Elli from is in the deck as well as previous Dreamnet girls BeckaLynn, Tiffiny and Nicki.  The Cards have never been used and are in excellent condition.  I will sign the outer edge of my card for the winner.  EMAIL me your bid and I will post it.  

This Auction will end Monday, October 16th at 2 PM AZ time.

Beginning Bid is $20


This is how it is going to work.. If you would like to bid, simply EMAIL ( make subject BID) me your bid and I will post a comment with the latest bid, this way everyone’s identity is protected.  AND you can bid as often as you like, just like on ebay..  If you bid and I post a new bid that outbids your previous bid, then by all means, try again.  I will mail it in a plain manilla envelope.   If you want it mailed priority, you will need to pay for that at the end of the auction.  I WILL ALSO personally sign the item for you.   When I receive your bid, I will let you know about payment options in case you have the winning bid.  Starting Bid is $15.00 and bidding will end Thursday Oct 12th 5 PM AZ time.

This Auction is for the 40 Something (Score Special #93) 7 pages of pics (the interview the magazine made up, so that is not about me. The pics were taken for this magazine and never posted as an update for my site.)


Magazine Auction!

Oh my goodness, I can not believe I am approaching 20 years online.  When we started my site back in 1998 I never would have imagined that I would be doing this 20 years later.  Over the years I have had the opportunity to be published in a few magazines.  Recently while cleaning out his office, Rob came across these copies and I have decided I would like to auction them off.  I have four different items I will be auctioning off, three magazines and a deck of cards.  If you would like to see the items, they are listed on my blog.  I am going to do one auction at a time and I will remove them from the list on my blog when they are no longer available.
This is how it is going to work.. If you would like to bid, simply EMAIL ( make subject BID) me your bid and I will post a comment with the latest bid, this way everyone’s identity is protected.  AND you can bid as often as you like, just like on ebay..  If you bid and I post a new bid that outbids your previous bid, then by all means, try again.  I will mail it in a plain manilla envelope.   If you want it mailed priority, you will need to pay for that at the end of the auction.  I WILL ALSO personally sign the item for you.   When I receive your bid, I will let you know about payment options in case you have the winning bid.  Starting Bid is $15.00 and bidding will end Monday (Oct 9) 7 PM AZ time.
This auction is for my copy of Big Butt March 2010.  In contains an interview with me and 11 pages of pics.  And if you remember Jade38H, she is in this magazine with 8 pages of pics.
Happy Bidding and Good Luck…

My appreciation!

Just wanted to quickly say thank you and to show my appreciation for the gifts and flowers I received last week.  I have already mentioned in previous post about being done with treatments and being on a watch and see plan.  So we decided to have a party last Saturday to celebrate.   All of your support and encouragement over the past 2 1/2 years and actually almost 20 years has been amazing, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Want some DM Memorabilia?

Rob was cleaning out some things in his office and we came across a few magazines that I have been featured in as well as a deck of cards.  I have decided to part with some of the items and these are ALL I HAVE.. When these are gone, they are gone!!!  

40 Something (Score Special #93) 7 pages of pics (the interview the magazine made up & pics were taken for this magazine and never posted as an update for my site.)

OVER 40 October 2003 6 pages of pics and interview (pics taken for this magazine, never posted as an update on my site.) . BTW.. This is my favorite, I LOVE the pics and I’m on the cover!!

Lastly, a deck of cards from a site that use to be online called Breast King.  These have NEVER been used… 

Let me know if there is any interest and I can do a silent auction here on my blog.  I will personally sign the items too…



Not on my list.

Sometimes I come across something I would like to add to my wish list, but they are not affiliated with Amazon.    I recently discovered a new company and when I was in LA last week I just happened to stumble across their trailer.  I purchased a key necklace for myself.  I told the two girls working I wanted a necklace for myself.  I just finished 28 months of treatment for my lymphoma and wanted a suggestion on what to get and they both as well as my sister in-law agreed I should get one that said “STRENGTH”.

Today I came across a bracelet online for them and I LOVE it.  The bracelet is stamped with Believe.. And I know how important it is to believe..  Believe in the circle of friends and family around you.  Believe in the caretakers in charge of your care.  Believe in yourself that you have the strength and will power to get through whatever is thrown at you…  

So, if you are looking for a special gift for me..  THE GIVING KEYS

Woohoo!! Great news today!

Those of you that have followed me, know that I have Follicular Lymphoma.   I was officially diagnosed in April 2015 and started treatment, chemo for four months then Rituxan for the past two years.  Today was my appointment with my Oncologist and everything looks great!!  So, today was my last day of treatment, woohoo!!!    I will now be monitored by blood work and the occasional CT Scan.  So today has been a GREAT DAY!!!

I want to thank all of you for constant support and encouragement, y’all brighten my day with your kind words..

Now it is time to plan a party to celebrate with my family and friends..



Mega Pass Available

Unless you live in a cave, LOL..  You know that Rob and I run other sites besides my own.  Those sites are and There is some seriously HOT content on these site and they are all stand alone sites that you can join individually, or NOW we have a MEGA PASS available for just $34.95 you get ALL THREE SITES, just CLICK the Deal banner on the site for the special price…   Now tell me, where can you get a better deal??

If you take advantage of the deal, let me know what you think of the sites, interested to hear what you think…


Who knew?

How is it I have went my entire life not know this fact?  Did you know that on 2% of the population worldwide have green eyes??  Most my siblings have blue eyes and I kind of always wanted them too, until now, LOL.  I never knew I was so unique..   My grandson was born with blue eyes and they have started to change color.  My DIL said she would love if they were green like mine…  I don’t think they will be, but very sweet of her to say…   So here is to the rest of the 2% of green eyed people out there!!!!

Ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!

WOW I just checked the pool and this is my 15th year of having a pool, woohoo!!!  If you do not or have not participated, it is easy and open to everyone!!  All you have to do is pick the winning team of each game every week AND be sure to include your tie breaking points.  Now I don’t do pre-season but it is there and will zero out pool points when the regular season begins the second weekend of September.

Go sign up,  The group is Dawn Marie’s Pool 

I will have to think of something special for the winner this year since it is our 15th Year!!!

Good Luck!!

Go Cowboys!!

Had to share.

On our recent trip to San Diego, I chose to ride in the back seat because I wanted to take some selfies for my Saturday Selfie Updates.    While sitting in the back seat I noticed a very special view and decided to take a picture of it.  In a post in July I shared with you the special meaning of the Peace sign and my little brother Nic.  I also shared a sticker I have on my car, a little reminder of him and I snapped this pic from inside the car.  I had Rob flip the pic for me and I wanted to share that with you.   Sunday 8/13 will be the two year anniversary of Nic’s passing and I figured this one as good of time as any to share with you!!  Thank you all for your continued support, y’all mean so very much to me!!  XOXO

Friends Trip

As you know, I recently took a little trip to San Diego and I didn’t go alone, LOL..  Rob and Angel went with me and we had such a great time.   One of Angel’s friends suggested we go see the Seals and Sea Lions in La Jolla.  (Thank you Windsor, it was amazing)  We checked into our hotel and then headed over to the beach.  It was amazing seeing all of the seals and sea lions and them moving about the beach and making noises..  I am so glad we went.

Day two we had drinks with a friend of ours and then headed off to Cardiff Beach for a bit before heading back to our hotel to get ready for the concert.   The concert was so much fun, but I have NEVER been around so much second hand pot smoke!!   After the show we hung out with our friends at the bar of their hotel for a bit before heading back to our hotel.  

It was a short trip, but so much fun with great friends!!

Changes on my site (AND a special)

I thought it was time to make some changes to my site and I am hopeful that you will enjoy this news.  As you may or may not know, I have had my site for 19 years and I have met some truly amazing people through my site.  People that I know will be with me long after I am no longer on the web… Now don’t get nervous, I am not going anywhere, LOL..    I just thought it was time that I give back to my members, for those that have supported me over the years and even those that might have just found me.  So what are the changes I am talking about???  MORE updates….

Starting in August, I will now be updating my site THREE times a week, yep you read that correctly…  Let me tell you what my plans are for us..  Starting with my update that will go up later this week, my regular update will be on Thursday.  So every Thursday I will have a new set of pics or video for your enjoyment.   

In addition to my Thursday updates, I am going to be doing Selfie Saturday!  Every Saturday I will post a set of selfies, it might be a series of pics that I took or a compilation of pics I have taken.  Now the selfie sets, could be 40 pics or it could be 15…  It will vary, but will be something new EVERY Saturday..

Lastly, another addition… Member Monday!  Member Monday will kind of be like what we use to do as a Picture of the Week.  This might be a free pic with like 10-15 more on the club side or it my be a short video.  Not a full video like my regular updates, but like a 3 – 4 minute thing.  I don’t think it is fair to you as a paying member of my site to get a four minute or less video for a regular update, you deserve more than that, at least I think so..

REMEMBER… I do an hour cam every Monday for my members and as a member of my site, you get access to ALL the cam shows on the VNA site.

I started an OnlyFans page recently.  Here I will be posting outtakes from old sets that were never posted as well as recent out takes and selfies that I do not include in Selfie Saturday.  

As always, you can reach me via email or twitter (I have closed my SnapChat)… so please, don’t be a stranger, I am here for you, hehe.

Now that is a LOT of Dawn Marie to take in during one week, LOL, hope y’all can handle it, hehe.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement, without you there would be no site!!!

Oh, if you are not a member of my site and have been on the fence.. I have a special for a couple of days… SIGN UP TODAY  for just $12.95 and then just $15.95 monthly afterwards..

I don’t get it..

Now this is just my own opinion, but I do not get how some people post things I find to be degrading and demeaning.  I get it, some people are submissive sexually, hell I am, LOL.  But I would NEVER be treated like a piece of meat or allow someone to “use” me or my body.  Fuck that shit!!    Now I am not just talking about men that post things to women, but women that post things about themselves and their relationships.    I would love to ask them, if you had or have a daughter, would you want her to be in that type of relationship or with that type of partner??  I would bet their answer would be no…  I get there is different strokes for different strokes but come on, women should NEVER be treated like this, EVER!!  

Now if you are someone that is into this and I have offended you, then I am sorry, but like I said this is my opinion and I am entitled to that and it is my blog, LOL…  If you are into this and don’t mind explaining, feel free…  

Many thanks!!!

As my Birthday Month is coming to an end I wanted to thank so very special people for making me and my day so very special!!!

I want to thank everyone for the special birthday wishes!!  Thanks to hm for the amazon gift card, I bought a new book.  dmm for the egg I used in my last update/video and the Cowboys gear..  Eric for the bra, a video will be posted next month :) (and thank you for being so very generous to me).

Monsoon Season!

The weather in AZ is unlike anywhere else I have ever lived.  The summers are brutal, like most peoples winters I say, but it actually last longer.  We typically have HOT temps in mid March and that can last well into October.  But the Monsoon Season is something completely different.  We get thunder & lightening storms, typically with very little rain.  But when the rain hits it HITS.. it falls fast and hard!  And then there are the dust storms which to me is the scary shit, a wall of dust headed for you….  Haven’t scene any of those as of yet…. 

The other night a storm was brewing and I tried to take some pics for you, sorry I couldn’t get any really good ones.  We had a tiny bit of rain, nothing measurable I don’t believe…   Also, if you are interested, here is an article that tells about the season… Monsoon Season