Me: Siri get me the number for Santan Chevy in Gilbert
Siri: I have San Tan Chevy on Gilbert Road, is that the one you want?
Me: Yes
Siri: Is that the one you want?
Me: Yes
Siri: Is that the one you want?
Me: You are a cunt!
Siri: Hey now..
…..different convo…..
Me: Set an appt in my calendar for July 26 for 7 am for an oil change
Siri: Setting up appt for tomorrow 7 a.m. for oil change
Me: cancel appt
Me: Set appt in my calendar for July 26 at 7 am for an oil change
Siri: I can not set up an appt for a time in the past..
Me: Set up appt for JULY 2-6 at 7 AM for oil change…
She finally got it and I’m fucking done with her for the day!!!
In the words of my dear friend Angel when talking about Siri… A cunt is a cunt is a cunt and Siri is a cunt.