Catching up!

Hey all!!  As you know I’m in Chicago visiting my son and DIL.  We are having an amazing trip, except for the damn cold!!!  We got to see Jake pitch last week at the Cubs game, which is so surreal.    We drove up to Detroit to celebrate my FIL’s 80th bday.  I am very blessed to have an amazing extended family.    Highlight of that trip was going to a bar after the birthday dinner.  The bar has live music and Rob and I were on the dance floor dancing to Purple Rain with son and DIL and MIL & FIL!!  Very cool!!

We are headed home late tomorrow, have a wedding on Friday and then headed to Los Angeles on Saturday for a concert.  Excited about meeting a new friend on Saturday too!

Hope everyone’s May has started off with a spectacular bang!!’ 

OMG this is so good. I have had just two bites it is so sweet. going to find this recipe to make for my DIL, her favorite.


Our team!


on the plane headed to Chicago!


Cubs game and Jake pitching!


Party favors for FIL’s 80th bday!


finally a bloom from a plant i got for Angel!


Drinks with my guys!


My grandkitty Sonny


My new bracelets.


Fess Up Challenge

Girls Fess Up Challenge…. Angel answered the same questions, check out her answers..  Angel has asked Kristine Cumz to answer and I will link to hers when she does…  Enjoy

Bath or shower? Bath

Straight or curly hair? Naturally straight, but I curl it a LOT

Favorite movie? Pulp Fiction

Favorite holiday? Christmas

Android or iPhone? iPhone 

Texting or call?  Text

Facebook or twitter?  twitter

Favorite type of food? Italian

Dream job? If I’m dreaming, winning the lottery would be my dream job, LOL

Favorte pizza? Pepperoni, mushroom, onion and spinach

Favorite cake? Carrot with NO raisons and cream cheese frosting

Talking or fighting? Talking

Night or day? Um I am a morning person I would say.

Summer or winter?  Summer, typically anywhere but in AZ

Wine or whiskey?  Vodka girl

Makeup or no makeup? Light make-up

Favorite TV show? hmmmm Modern Family if I have to pick one

Hair up or down?  Both, but the last year a lot up.

Jeans or leggings? Jeans

Painted or none painted nails? Painted

Favorite color? Orange

T-shirt or dress shirt?  T-shirt

Flip flops or sneakers?  Flip Flops, I have a bit of a fetish (size 7 please)

Big purse or small? Lately big

How many tattoos? Two, one on each foot

How many piercings?  Three two on one ear, one on the other.

Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds

Favorite animal?  Cats

Rap or country music? country

Sports or couch?  I like to watch sports..  NFL (Cowboys) NCAA Basketball (Kentucky) Formula 1 (Lewis Hamilton) Baseball (Cubs)

Selfie Queen?

Yes, I do take quite a few selfies, but I have an phone that takes amazing pics and I’m just getting the hang of taking them of more than just my face, LOL.  So, do you think I take and share too many???

Now this Meme one of my grown nieces husbands posted for her online.  I cracked up and her teenage daughter posted TMI!!  LOLIMG_5960

Better choices.

I by no means claim to be a healthy person, but I am making small changes in that direction.  Today is one month since I have given up soda.  If you have met me, you know I love some Coca Cola..    It is useless calories that I am given up every day, or should I say it was…  So, cross your fingers and wish me luck in my soda free life, LOL.

I also have been back to the gym.  On twitter you may have seen me post #babysteps.  Well right now I am just doing cardio and I’m averaging 4 miles on the treadmill at least 5 times a week.  I have a fitbit that I try to do over 10,000 steps a day.  Next step will be to incorporate some weight training.  Now don’t start thinking I’m going to lose my curves, that will never happen, LOL.  But a healthier life is the goal.

Dawn Marie

Pretty little sports bra for the gym/

Pretty little sports bra for the gym


Beautiful Day

Yesterday we had a dear friend call us and invite out for a day on his boat.  This friend goes back to when we first moved to AZ and knows all about my website.  So we went out to Canyon Lake and spent a bit of time taking in the beautiful scenery…

Hope you all had a spectacular weekend as well.

Hugs & Kisses ~ Dawn Marie


Riding Trip

Ok, I don’t know how I didn’t post and share any of these pics with you, shame on me.  Recently Rob and I went riding with friends and it was an absolutely beautiful day..  The desert was alive with color and the temps were simply perfect.  If you have never been to AZ, I suggest you make a trip and experience some of the wonderful things we have to offer here.

And if you do come, let me know and I’ll meet you for a drink if you are close enough that is, LOL.

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It was a great day for a ballgame

A great thing about living in Phoenix is the Cactus League!  If you enjoy baseball at all, then you know what this is, it is Spring Training for MLB. I’m from a little town Northern, Kentucky which is right on the Ohio River, so my home team is the Cincinnati Reds.  But in the last few years I have become a Cubs fan.  My son and daughter in-law moved to Chicago 5 years ago and that is one of the reasons I am now a Cubs fan.

This past week I was very fortunate to get VIP Passes for the Angels/Cubs game from a very dear friend.  We got to sit where ever there were empty seats, so we grabbed two right behind home plate.


And this picture of Rob and I was taken at the Cubs/Reds game at Sloan Field.   Oh and thanks Dan for my Cubs shirt I am wearing (from last year) and for my new one I will wear when we go to a game at Wrigley at the end of April.









I am very blessed to have friends in my life that do things out of the good of their heart.  I have rid myself of those so called friends that did things they would say was in out of the goodness of their heart, but in fact were just so they could always remind you of things they have done.  Those are not friends!!  Be sure to surround yourself with true friends.  You know who those people are if you really think about it.  If the only thing they truly bring to you is DRAMA, then let them go.  I guarantee you that you will feel better and so will your soul.  I felt like a weight was lifted when I let go of those so called friendships.

Until next time…

Dawn Marie

Crafty again!

Several years ago we bought this bar table with two chairs.  At that time it had a tan seat cover on the chairs.  About two or three years ago, I recovered the chairs with the green fabric that is on the right.  Two weeks ago, I gave the entire set a make over.  I recovered the chairs in a red fabric that is almost exactly like the green and i gave the set a facelift with gloss black spray paint.  I think it turned out fantastic and I am supper happy with it.  No I don’t have any projects to do :(  I guess it is just time to enjoy the summer..  I say summer because in Az we really don’t have much of a spring…

Got a project you need my help with???


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Need to vent!!

Ok, I have a few things on my mind that I need to vent about, LOL..  First one is emails or DM’s from men that tell me either they are going to fuck me like I have never been fucked before.  Or they want to give me the best dick/cock I have ever had…  Are you freakin serious??  Fella’s this kind of email/msg is not going to get you anywhere with me, at all!!!  How exactly am I suppose to reply??  Oh great, hurry up and get over here and fuck my brains out??  Get real!!!

Next, common courtesy and or common sense..  Why do people stop in the middle of the sidewalk or aisle to have a group conversation?  Are you oblivious of those around you??  Get out of the way and let people walk without having to go around you.

Holding a door open is another of my pet peeves.. If I’m holding the door open for you to follow behind me, a thank you is in order.  Or if you are with a group of people, someone step up and grab the door for your group and let me go on my way.

Lastly… Please and Thank You..  What happened to people saying these???  If you are wanting someone to do something for you, common courtesy should dictate to you to say “please” and of course if they are doing something for you, a simple “thank you” goes a long way and it is not that difficult.  And I’m talking about grown ass adults!!!

Ok, I’m done!!

Happy St Patrick’s Day Y’all!!!

Dawn Marie

About Member’s Cam

I do a weekly free Member’s Cam on Monday evenings.  Vicky Vette has provided us with a format to use for our Cam shows.  ALL she ask is that we do an hour long weekly show and in return we get to use her Cam Site and ALL my members get access to ALL the shows on the site.  That is over 60 hours of cam that you have access to, by just being a member of my site.

Now I know everyone has things going on and things do come up that would make missing a show inevitable.  Believe me, I know first hand how things can come up that would make you miss a show.  Vicky was one of my biggest supporters last year when I was going through my treatments.  If you join me on my cams, you will know that I missed one or two each month and those could totally not be helped as I was sick or doing treatments.  I have NEVER cancelled a show without giving it some thought.  Let’s face it… when you join a site, you are giving your hard earned money for that site.  If I promote cam as a part of my memberships, then it is my responsibility to do everything I can to do my shows.  I know last minute things come up and travel plans and such and of course sometimes you just need a break from cam. I know it is not possible to do every single week…  But to just cancel your shows week after week, month after month and make NO attempt to reschedule them is just not right.  Come on, we are talking ONE hour…  If you have cancelled more shows in a year than you have done, then you might want to rethink it and your members…  Just my two cents…


Texas Getaway!

Recently we made another trip to Texas, for Devil’s Bday weekend.  It was a great trip, but unfortunately Devil was not feeling well the entire time we were there, so most of our time was spent with Angel.   We drove to Galveston for the weekend and stayed in this cute little place.  The house survived The Flood of 1900 and was just perfect for the four of us.  Friday night Angel and I went out on the town for drinks and Rob & Devil went to a show.  Saturday the three of us hit the streets of Galveston and then the four of us did dinner and then a show.  After the show I recorded a Drunk Q & A for Angel.  She is HILARIOUS!!  Sunday we went down to the water and then headed home.  We spent two more nights in TX and then home on Tuesday.  Attached are some pics of our trip and we are home until the end of April when we are headed to Chicago/Detroit.

Hugs,  DM

Bedroom re-do

Well a couple weeks ago I decided it was time for a change in the bedroom and by that I mean the decor, LOL.  It had been the same since we moved into this house in Oct 2011.  The headboard had been the same for years before that even.  So it started by me finding a new material/pattern to recover the headboard.  Then I decided I did not like the color of the room with the new headboard.  And of course then the old nightstands and dresser did not look right and the curtain would no longer match either, LOL.  And if you have ever been to phx or live here, you know most master baths open right up to the bedroom, so that meant painting that as well, LOL  So, on simple change lead to a huge project, but we LOVE IT!!!  Here are pics of  our bedroom now…

I bought these letters and covered the O in the fabric from the curtains, this is in the privacy closet (toilet room)

I bought these letters and covered the O in the fabric from the curtains, this is in the privacy closet (toilet room)

New headboard and paint

New headboard and paint

Our new headboard

Our new headboard

Curtains I made for our bathroom

Curtains I made for our bathroom

Picture in our bathroom the fabric matches the curtain.

Picture in our bathroom the fabric matches the curtain.

Good Saturday Morning!!

Just catching up with y’all, what has everyone been up to?  I have posted a few recent pics.

January was crazy, I went to Vegas for four days with my best girl here in Phx.  We were suppose to do a trip last summer for my 50th Bday, but because of my treatment and meds that kept me out of the sun, I could not go.  So we did a make up trip and we had a blast.  I got home from Vegas at about 6 PM and unpacked, repacked, grabbed dinner and about 3 hours sleep and then back on the road again.  We spend a week with Angel & Devil.  And in about three weeks we are headed back to celebrate Devil’s bday.  We are going to do a weekend get away with them and I plan to shoot some pics in the house we have rented.  If you have something you would like to see me shoot in, you better get it to me.  You can always pick something off my wish list…   Also, I’m going to be helping Angel with a Drunk Q & A Video if there is something you want to ask her, shoot me an email.  She will NOT know the questions before I read them to her, so ask away…


Leaving Angel’s Place

Well it has been another epic trip at Angel’s Place and we are headed home today.  We are going to spend the morning here and try to be on the round around noon.  We plan to stop in Ft Stockton for the evening and then on to Phoenix tomorrow.  

We have had a great time with Angel & Devil and their friends, some of which I now call my friends.  The party was a lot of fun.  The weather, well it could have been better, but not much we can do about that so we dealt with it.  

I’m attaching a couple of pics from the trip and I will write again soon!!

Until the next time…. Hugs & Kisses ~ Dawn Marie



Someone on Twitter was talking about Siri and asking her different questions abou what’s her favorite this and that…  So I thought I’d ask her a question.  

Hugs and kisses ~ Dawn Marie



Time to get rid of the sparkles!  Lol

By that I mean it is time to get my hair colored today!  So the last time I got my hair done was October.  My regular girl cancelled on me, and another girl offered to do my hair.  I has headed to KY the day after so I really needed it done that day.  I LOVED the new girl and decided I was going to go to her from now on.  So today is my first time back and my old girl will be there too!!!  Awkward!!  

So here is a selfie I took this morning!! 

Hugs & Kisses ~ Dawn Marie


My favorite!

Santa left my favorite candies in my stocking.  What is your favorite candy?  


Another test

Rob found me an app to try, this is the resized pic!

Test blog post!

Ok everyone I have installed my blog on my phone so I can try and be better with my blog and post more often by using this app!  So fingers crossed, lol.

So this pic was taken before my Members Cam on Monday Night!  Cam is free for all members of my site and as well her Members Cams on VNA are free for my members.  If you are a member of either of our sites you have access to ALL the cams on the network.  We are the ONLY girls on that offer this to our members.   Enough of all of that, lol on to the pic!!

Hugs & Kisses ~ Dawn Marie



Happy New Year!!

As 2015 is coming to an end and soon we will be embarking on a new year with new memories. 2015 was yet another year filled with many ups and downs. We were blessed with visitors, family came from Chicago, believe it or not I got my sister and her hubby here from KY, our friends Angel and Devil from TX, friends from Canada and family from TN, we enjoyed everyone’s visits and look forward to having some of you back in the new year. We were fortune to take a couple small trips this year, a couple trips to TX, Rob went to TN & Cali for NAMM & to visit his parents, an unexpected trip to KY and then back in Oct, and we ended our travels in Chicago celebrating our son’s 30th Birthday. We had some big milestones this year, I turned 50, Rob and I celebrated our 30th Anniversary and like I said above our oldest turned 30 and our youngest finally moved out on his own.

I unexpectedly loss my little brother this year, and it has just left a huge hole in our hearts. Nic had such a spirit and was always smiling and cutting up, he is greatly missed.

I want to thank all my friends and family for all their support and encouragement. I have had some serious health issues that I did not share at the time and I had an amazing posse supporting me. There for me when I needed them and I when I didn’t. There are way too many of you to tag you, but you all know who you are and I love you… btw.. before you asking, I’m doing great and feeling great!!

Lastly, I want to thank my wonderful hubby Rob! You are my rock, my shoulder, my light when things appear dim, my love, my person… I love you more than I could possibly say….thank you for loving me and always being there for me!!! YSTO Babe

So Cheers to a Happy and Healthy New Year!!  Please be safe and enjoy!!

New recipe

I saw this recipe on tv and have made it three times already and EVERYONE who has tried it loves it.. both with the cheese and brown sugar…

Bacon Appetizer

1 sleeve country club-style crackers
3/4 cup grated Parmesan
1 pound thinly sliced bacon

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F.
Lay the crackers face up on a large rack over a baking sheet (or broiler pan). Scoop about 1 teaspoon of the grated Parmesan onto each cracker. Cut the package of bacon in half (or cut pieces individually) and carefully, so the cheese doesn’t fall off, wrap each cheese covered cracker with one half piece of bacon, completely covering the cracker. It should fit snugly around the cracker, but not be pulled too taut. Place the bacon-wrapped crackers onto the rack. Place the baking sheet in the oven for about 2 hours. Serve immediately or at room temperature!

Also you can replace the cheese with brown sugar, just as yummy.  I have put them in the refrigerator and and put them out at party time and they are yummy!!

This pic is not the best, but it is all I took, lol

Bacon Appetizer

Happy Holidays

I know I have been off line that last few days, but we were enjoying the holidays with family.  Rob’s parents were here from TN and we had a wonderful visit and holiday with them.

Some how, I don’t know how, but I must have ended up on Santa’s Nice list as I was spoiled big time this year!!  So I have a lot to be thankful for this year!!

How were your holidays?   I am attaching a few pics of ours..

Update on me :)

As you know I was diagnosed with Follicular Lymphoma in April and underwent several months of Chemo for that and I am currently on a maintenance plan.

Monday I went in to the doctors office for routine blood work prior to my treatment.  They always check things prior to treatment.. my liver, kidneys, thyroid, white blood cells and platelets to be sure there is nothing going on that would cause them to postpone treatment.  They had some difficulty finding a good vein, I unfortunately had three nurses try and three different pokes, but they were able to find a good one in my hand.

Tuesday I see my doctor prior to treatment to go over everything.  All my test looked great, except my white blood cells which is normal for me and normal for the treatment I am receiving.   My dr just wants to monitor that and as long as I’m not getting sick or lots of colds she just doesn’t want to throw medicine at it..  Wo we will continue to watch it.  All my other test she said I could not have better results if I tried.    So I did my treatment and I go back in 8 weeks for blood work and treatment.

Just wanted to keep you updated..  I am feeling GREAT and doing really well!! Again I want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement, y’all ROCK!!!

Hugs and Kisses ~ Dawn Marie

What is your guess??

Well the holidays are in full swing, so I wanted to do a little contest…  Guess how many M & M’s are in this cup?  They are all plain M & M’s and the cup holds 16 oz.  What is the prize?  A 7 minute skype show… So EMAIL me your guess, I will not accept any guesses that are not emailed…. ( )  The person closest without going over will be the winner and I will post the winner Sunday evening… 12/13.

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