Everyday Dawn Marie

My Everyday Natural Look!

I was just sitting around braless in a white shirt and some jean shorts. Hubby comes in with our little pocket camera and says “hey, we need to update so let’s go out back and shoot some photos.” At first I was like, what??? I have on barely any makeup, I’ve not really done my hair properly and I’m in this old worn out outfit. Hubby was like “that’s cool because the guys will dig seeing you all natural” on our little pocket camera. I was nervous about it at first but said what the heck and through caution to the wind.

So here I am naked on my back porch enjoying the warm weather we are having and I’m all natural. Barely any makeup and just looking as everyday Dawn Marie. Also, hubby took these pictures with only our little pocket camera. No fancy lights, no flashes, no umbrellas and no fancy SLR camera.  Just me in all my natural glory or non-glory depending how you look at it LOL! CLICK HERE FOR ALL MY PICTURES AND VIDEOS!



  1. Now there aint nothing wrong with that look. Dayum!

  2. That’s how you look every day? Rob is a damn lucky man!

  3. I’ll take an ‘everyday natural look’ over a made up “fake” look any day

  4. Absolutely Beautiful !!!

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