Title: Here We Are Again! – Reunited with DFW Knight
Length: 26 mins.
Size: 1920 x 1080 – Full HD
Compatibility: MP4 – Works on all devices
Keywords: interracial, bbc, dfw knight, blowjob, fucking, booty, riding cock, hook up, cumshot, creampie, milf, slut wife, big tits, big ass
Description: Well, here we are again, DFW Knight and I and it only took us 10 years to do it, lol. I was recently in Chicago and DFW contacted me telling me he was coming to Phoenix in September and wanted to see me. I told him sure, I was free anytime but the weekend of the 9th as I had a g/f’s weekend planned. Turns out, that is the weekend he was planning. So he decided to come in a day early to see me :) So, we got together and had some very nice conversation and then we had some very amazing sex!! It took him no time at all to have me all wet and wanting his hard cock inside me. But that was not before he was licking my pussy and I had his big cock in my mouth. So, be sure to check out our new video, I promise you will not be disappointed with the cream pie he gave me!!
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