It was a great day for a ballgame

A great thing about living in Phoenix is the Cactus League!  If you enjoy baseball at all, then you know what this is, it is Spring Training for MLB. I’m from a little town Northern, Kentucky which is right on the Ohio River, so my home team is the Cincinnati Reds.  But in the last few years I have become a Cubs fan.  My son and daughter in-law moved to Chicago 5 years ago and that is one of the reasons I am now a Cubs fan.

This past week I was very fortunate to get VIP Passes for the Angels/Cubs game from a very dear friend.  We got to sit where ever there were empty seats, so we grabbed two right behind home plate.


And this picture of Rob and I was taken at the Cubs/Reds game at Sloan Field.   Oh and thanks Dan for my Cubs shirt I am wearing (from last year) and for my new one I will wear when we go to a game at Wrigley at the end of April.









I am very blessed to have friends in my life that do things out of the good of their heart.  I have rid myself of those so called friends that did things they would say was in out of the goodness of their heart, but in fact were just so they could always remind you of things they have done.  Those are not friends!!  Be sure to surround yourself with true friends.  You know who those people are if you really think about it.  If the only thing they truly bring to you is DRAMA, then let them go.  I guarantee you that you will feel better and so will your soul.  I felt like a weight was lifted when I let go of those so called friendships.

Until next time…

Dawn Marie


  1. Good for you! :-) Letting go of those (so called) friends :-/ Right behind home plate! Lucky yoooou!! :-O

  2. Thanks Gary, no need to keep people in your life that don’t add anything to it but drama.. And yes we were very lucky with our seats :)

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