I can not believe it is already October, crazy how time is just flying by. I am super excited for the cooler weather and being able to turn the a/c off at least for a little bit in the morning and at night. Also, finally being able to use our fire pit, woohoo!! But we are still very much in the shorts & flip flop weather..
Fall is one of my favorite seasons, not as spectacular here as back home in the Cincy/NKY area, but still nice. And it also starts a very busy time with birthdays and holidays. My son is going to be 29 later this month and that is just CRAZY!!! Our little kitty levi, the black one that was hit by a car and had his jaw broken is turning 6 next week, which translate to 56 years old. He is just the sweetest little thing.
So, one of the things being online has allowed me to do, is to make some wonderful friends. I have a friend from Chicago that is here several months out of the year, and he is here now. We have become such great friends, that he knows all of my family and I know his. In fact, he and his wife were guest at my sons wedding this summer. Also friends from Canada are coming in on Wednesday and we are all meeting up on Thursday for drinks. And then the Canada friends are walking with us on Saturday.
Saturday we are doing another Color walk with our friends Wendy and Scott and this time we will also be joined by our friends from Canada Greg and Joy. It should be a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to it. Then later we are going to an Oktoberfest with W & S and I’m sure we will take a few pics : )
Ok, lastly I can NOT end this post without mentioning my COWBOYS!!! DAMN, what a game yesterday. I am just bummed that I didn’t get to watch it because the Cardinals were on :( But loving the win regardless.
Attached are a few pics I want to share with ya…

Found this keychain that I thought I had lost. My friend Aaron gave this to me MANY years ago. I met him through my site and he has become one of my best friends and he also was at my sons wedding. Thought I lost it, but nope and I found it in time for the Dallas/NO game!! And yes, he is a Saints fan. (Sorry Aaron)

Cinnamon Roll Waffles!! And yes they are as yummy as they look. Just take regular cinnamon rolls and spray your waffle iron with cooking spray and then put your rolls on the waffle iron and cook for about 3 minutes. My iron only cooks two waffles at once, so I only do to rolls at once. I popped the icing in the mic for 10 seconds and then drizzled on top.

Here was one of my days behind the scenes at a shoot for www.blowbanggirls.com It is a tough job, LOL. @edenalexanderxxx was a ROCK STAR Make sure you follow @blowbanggirls on twitter.
Sexy, I think cats are like dogs? So 6 cat years would be, 42 human years. Your son won’t be happy, withy all the Cowboy pics! The Cinn roll waffles got my mouth watering! Bet it would raise ones blood sugar? But who cares! Gary