Recently we made another trip to Texas, for Devil’s Bday weekend. It was a great trip, but unfortunately Devil was not feeling well the entire time we were there, so most of our time was spent with Angel. We drove to Galveston for the weekend and stayed in this cute little place. The house survived The Flood of 1900 and was just perfect for the four of us. Friday night Angel and I went out on the town for drinks and Rob & Devil went to a show. Saturday the three of us hit the streets of Galveston and then the four of us did dinner and then a show. After the show I recorded a Drunk Q & A for Angel. She is HILARIOUS!! Sunday we went down to the water and then headed home. We spent two more nights in TX and then home on Tuesday. Attached are some pics of our trip and we are home until the end of April when we are headed to Chicago/Detroit.
Hugs, DM
Looks like a quaint place! By the pictures, did you stay in. A 2 bedroom/2 bath/living room/ kitchen suite?