Thankful.. Day 1

So I have decided to use the last few days before Thanksgiving to things that I am Thankful for over the next couple of days…

I am thankful for friends that matter.. People come and go in your life for a reason.  Some you grow apart from, others you choose to move on from.    A friend is there when you need each other.  A friend supports you and encourages you.  If you are constantly being reminded of the things someone has done for you, that is not a friend.

In the past year I have decided to keep only those people in my life that I feel are truly my friend.  I am very blessed to be surrounded by a group of great people.  These people were there for me during my procedures earlier this year.  They were there to support me when my brother passed away and they are just generally there for me, even when I don’t realize I need them.

I hope you are blessed as well to have friends that have turned into family…

Hugs & Kisses ~ Dawn Marie


  1. Re: your 3rd paragraph. Sometimes it takes us a while, to realize that. But when we do, that’s what needs to be done.

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