Hey guys, y’all know that I’m on vacation. We drove ALL day yesterday in just terrible weather. Rain, rain and pouring down rain. We were paused for a few accidents, actually had a couple that think happened right before we got to them even as people were just getting out of their cars or pulled over and running back to the scenes. With that said, we did not get to our hotel until after midnight. I will have an update posted tomorrow, Internet willing where we are staying, that is!!
And if you don’t follow me on Twitter, you will have missed my post about Thursday. I got my very first ticket. Nearly 51 and this was the first time. The State Trooper barely looked old enough to have a drivers liscense himself, lol. I teased with Angel that I was going to do a gofundme to pay the fine, lol. I HATE those things and the webgirls that set them up to get people to pay for things that is their own responsibility!! Pay for my hair cut, fix my car, pay my medical bills, pay for my kids car, help with my pet stuff….this is your own responsibility, be a responsible adult and pay for your own shit!!!! Sorry, I’ll stop ranting now, lol.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!!!
Dawn Marie
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